Kiri and Wota

Testimonial Dog

Kiri was born in 1993 at Wolf Park. He was inky black when he was young, but black wolves silver out and may even become almost white. At sixteen and a half, Kiri is a very pale silver.

Several years ago I noticed that he tended to stagger with his hind legs, particularly when he tried to do fast turns. Along with staggering, he started doing involuntary sits. A friend of Wolf Park, Suzanne Clothier, told me about the changes for the better she’d seen in her dogs when she put them on System Saver. She introduced me, via e-mail, to Judy and Judy graciously donated some System Saver for Kiri. Kiri was already getting treatment for arthritis, glucosamine, chondroitin, meds for pain management. We added System Saver and I noticed that though he does not have four year old legs, his sixteen year old legs are more stable and strong than they were at thirteen.

Sometimes he wavers or staggers a bit, but he lopes. He trots. I haven’t seen an involuntary sit in ages, except when he tried to charge up on top of his concrete cylinder shelter. He got up on top of it on another try. Kiri still delights in being impish and trying to locate and steal various human belongings. Just today Monty and I were in with him so Monty could get some photos of him. At one point, when Monty was kneeling down, Kiri took his camera strap and pulled on it. “Brat” said Monty affectionately, detaching Kiri from the strap. It’s great to have a sixteen year old Brat. I am convinced that Kiri’s active, impish old age, has been made possible by System Saver.

Kiri and Wota Kiri and Wota Kiri and Wota

~ Pat, Wolf Park
