Ella Fitzgeralds

Joint And Health Maintenance Stories

Ella Fitzgeralds

Next is Ms. Ella Pitzgerald. Miss Ella is all wrong. That is, she came to us with every joint that could be luxated, luxated. Bad breeding. Her elbows & knees all stick out at odd angles, making it difficult for her to walk. But she was also withdrawn. With the System Saver, she gets up, goes out on the deck for the sunshine, protects her little basket bed, gets out of ANY sweater we try to put on her, and bays in the AM with the other dogs to get me out of bed!! We had never heard her voice before the System Saver. She came to us at an estimated age of 14-15, and that was about 2 years ago. She is a scream. She can even roll on her back for a good old fashioned self-back rub with the help of SS.