Archive of: September, 2022

  • We just want to talk about Bruno!

    We just want to talk about Bruno!

    Bruno started on System Saver at least seven years ago to help with aging, arthritis, and lethargy. It has changed his life. His mobility has improved, and at 12 years old he can go up and down 16 stairs multiple times a day. He’s back to eating homemade dog food, a full shining coat, and proper eye health.


  • Angel


    My vet found a lump near the base of Angel’s tail. Given that golden retrievers are prone to cancer, the vet did a needle biopsy which came back inconclusive - cancer couldn’t be ruled out. She scheduled a slice biopsy six weeks out at the same time she would do a teeth cleaning so Angel would only have to be sedated once. In the interim I began giving her System Saver mixed with a little wet food. I started with two pills per day in week one, and then raised it to four pills when I could see she was tolerating it.